Guide to Dwarf Planets

  The category of dwarf planets was created in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union to help contain new objects that were being discovered. Although there are hundreds of objects in the solar system that could potentially be classified as dwarf planets, as of 2017 there are only five officially recognized ones: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, … Read more

All About the Sun

When you look up at the sky on a sunny day, there’s one thing that you can’t miss: the Sun! It’s hard to miss because it’s the biggest and brightest object in the sky. The Sun is more than just a giant ball of fire in the sky, it’s the center of our solar system, … Read more

All About Comets

  Comets are visitors from the outer reaches of the solar system, and sometimes give a spectacular show to stargazers on earth. In deep space, a comet may look like an asteroid – just a lump of space rock – but as it heads towards the inner solar system and is heated by the sun, … Read more

What is a Nebula?

  A nebula may just be an interstellar cloud of dust and gas, but it is also one of the most spectacular sights to be seen through a telescope! Nebulae (pronounced: NEB-you-lee) pepper the galaxy with beautiful colors, shapes, and lights. Learn more about this celestial phenomena, including the four major types of nebulae and … Read more