Understanding Angles

  Angles are the space between two lines that meet at a point, or vertex. Angles are measured in degrees, often with the help of a protractor. Acute, obtuse, reflex, straight, right – there are many different types of angles!

Introduction to Division

  Ready to learn about division? In math, division is separating numbers into equal groups. You probably use division in your daily life without realizing it. There are different ways to write the problems, but don’t let that throw you off! Just figure out how many objects belong in each group. If you know your … Read more

Intro to Fractions

  Fractions are, simply, parts of a whole. The way we write or express fractions depends on how many parts there are in total, and how many parts we are talking about. Come get a basic lesson in what a fraction is and some of the most common fractions and terms in this educational video!

Intro to Symmetry

  Symmetry is all around us! It occurs regularly in nature and is used in art, design, and math – especially the field of geometry. If you want to introduce the concept of symmetry to you children or students, or if you just need a little more info on the subject, THIS is the video … Read more